Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When will it stop?

I still cry over Tugboat. When I think of him and the goofy things he used to do--writhe on his back like a overturned crab, bark at the bathtub faucet until I turned it on, sit under my big shrub like a jungle dog--I tear up. I still can't believe the Tugboat Years are over.
There better be a Rainbow Bridge!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Josie and Pigeon

Josie is buds with Pigeon the pitbull terrier. Here at the Northern Tail Dog Park, they are looking at something--I don't know what.

Dog park photos

It's hard to shoot photographs of dogs at the Northern Tail Dog Park. They move too quickly. Still, here are a few: SusieQ, safe in a "cave"; Boris the Airedale terrier; and my Sloopy. Certain dogs connect better with other dogs, such as my Josie with Bella the French basset hound and Sloopy with Sassy. I haven't quite figured out the doggie dynamics yet, but my research continues.
Other regulars at the "Tail" are Pete the Clod, the Labrador retriever who is unaware of his surroundings and is always knocking into someone or something; Carter the Labradoodle who resembles a large sheep; Aramis the Belgian sheepdog who covets his tennis balls; Bella the French basset hound (one of Josie's faves) and Bella the Wheaten terrier, who resembles her owner; and The Goose, who's just...The Goose.

Local dog parks

I hear Meridian Township is working on a dog park at Legg Park off Van Atta Road. That's a bit far for me, but variety is good, and if I'm on the east side, it might be worth checking out. I think Twitter has some information on it, coolcitydogs if I remember correctly.
Haven't been to the Soldan Dog Park lately, but might be worth a visit soon. There are more dogs there than my regular haunt, the Northern Tail Dog Park by the East Lansing Aquatic Center, but more amenities, such as potties for humans, a pond, an actual walking trail and a drinking fountain. Still, Northern Tail is much closer for me, plus really, all I want are an enclosed area, a pleasant natural setting, dogs and responsible owners.
However, a gazebo and coffee kiosk would be nice. Maybe someday I'll write my bestselling novel and buy these attractions for the park.
More later...