I hear Meridian Township is working on a dog park at Legg Park off Van Atta Road. That's a bit far for me, but variety is good, and if I'm on the east side, it might be worth checking out. I think Twitter has some information on it, coolcitydogs if I remember correctly.
Haven't been to the Soldan Dog Park lately, but might be worth a visit soon. There are more dogs there than my regular haunt, the Northern Tail Dog Park by the East Lansing Aquatic Center, but more amenities, such as potties for humans, a pond, an actual walking trail and a drinking fountain. Still, Northern Tail is much closer for me, plus really, all I want are an enclosed area, a pleasant natural setting, dogs and responsible owners.
However, a gazebo and coffee kiosk would be nice. Maybe someday I'll write my bestselling novel and buy these attractions for the park.
More later...