Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A trio of bulldogs

Wilma was joined at the dog park today by two bigger bullies, Biggie and Abby, or Biggie and Abbie, or Biggy and Abbie, or Biggy and Abbey, or whatever. Biggie is about 60 pounds at 9 months of age, and I didn't ask how old Abbie is. Anyway, three bullies at once are great! Now all we need is Hamlet and Jack the Mack to make it a quintet!
Wilma, by the way, played with a submissive boxer named Bailey. Bailey was on her back, being playfully mauled by Wilma, when Bailey catapulted Wilma into the air. She had a bit of a time getting back on her feet, but it was very humorous.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

PVMA dog wash set for April 24

When: Sunday April 25th from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Where: Mary Anne McPhail Equine Performance Center

Michigan State University

D202 Veterinary Medical Center

East Lansing, MI 48824

Why: To help raise funds for Pre-Veterinary Medical Association activities and veterinary-related opportunities
If you have never been to a dog wash before, go to our website,, and check out the page with answers to common dog wash questions.

On a personal note: I can vouch for these washes. The dogs have fun (except for my Digby, who resists these kinds of things), the owners get out and the PVMA benefits. What's not to like?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My latest tribute to Tugboat

This is a link to the memorial column on my boy: